


Awards & Exhibitions

2018年 Nature’s Best Photography 入賞(米国スミソニアン博物館協賛)
2019年 キヤノンギャラリー銀座 個展「Pride of Lions ~ライオン家族~」
2020年 The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris”(Px3)Nature部門 Honorable Mention
2021年 Sony Imaging Gallery銀座 個展「ペンギンたちの棲むところ」
2021年 The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris”(Px3)Nature部門 金賞&銅賞
2022年 東京ミッドタウンフジフイルムスクエア 個展「Contrast of Savanna ~アフリカ大草原で輝く生命~」(富士フイルムフォトサロン大阪 巡回展も実施)



2022年 サバンナに生きる!ライオン家族の物語(玄光社)





Born in Tokyo in 1990. Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Law.
After getting a job at an accounting consulting company in the US, I set out on my own to become a wildlife photographer.
Since 2017, I have been working as a professional photographer.
I mainly photograph the emotions of wild animals and the expressions of the earth in countries around the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Sub-Antarctic.


Awards & Exhibitions

2018 Nature’s Best Photography Highly commended (Smithsonian Institution, USA)
2019 Solo exhibition at Canon Gallery Ginza “Pride of Lions ~Lion Family~”
2020 The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” (Px3) Honorable Mention in the Nature category
2021 Solo exhibition at Sony Imaging Gallery Ginza “Where the Penguins Live”
2021 The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” (Px3) Gold and Bronze Award in the Nature category
2022 Solo exhibition at Tokyo Midtown Fujifilm Square “Contrast of Savanna ~ Shining life in the African savanna ~” (exhibition also held at Fujifilm Photo Salon Osaka)



2022 “サバンナに生きる!ライオン家族の物語 (Genkosha)”